anim_big.gif (7455 bytes)




Well, it took a few years, but I finally have some video to add to this page.   Please be warned that these are very large files, so you may not want to attempt to view them unless you have a fast connection. (There is no sounds with either of these videos.)
4.8 MB

Calvin swimming out into a large pond after a goose.   (I don't want to give away the dramatic ending, but the goose does get away.)
1.8 MB

 Calvin running up a hill.



Each of these links takes you to a page with an animated GIF file or video file.

The Hunt!  (117k) new_yelw.gif (111 bytes)

This probably isn't quite what you're thinking, but it's worth a look

UP!! (54k)  

This first animated GIF is Calvin's newest trick - jumping up into your arms when you pat your chest and say "up."

Calvin Grows (72k)

This animation shows Calvin growing over his first 6 months.